Star Wars #1:
Nitty Gritty:
Writer - Brian Wood
Artist - Carlos D’Anda
Cover Art - Alex Ross
Dark Horse Linkage:
Star Wars is a comic based on the Expanded Universe of every nerd's classic tale of good vs evil. This new comic series takes place between episodes 4 and 5 and introduces a story of espionage that is sure to bring new light to how the Rebel forces sealed their victory over the Imperial forces in Return of the Jedi.
Before I get into my critique of this comic, I have to say the cover work done by Alex Ross is by far some of the most amazing work I have seen in a Star Wars comic in some time. The good news is that he is slated to do the cover for at least the next 3 issues. The look of #1's cover art takes me back to the original movie posters from episodes 4, 5, and 6.
The internal art work is done by Carlos D'Anda and he captures in great detaill how a Star Wars story should feel. For example, this is one of my favorite moments thus far in the series:
From this pane alone it is clear Carlos not only loves Star Wars, but he also has the ability to capture the little nuances that sets Star Wars apart from many other science fiction titles. He continues this amazing rendition of the Star Wars universe from cover to finish.
Here are some other noteworthy scenes where I thought Carlos shows amazing expertise in creating a memorable and believable Star Wars environment:
This image of Darth Vader is so full of awesome.
Leah and Mon Montha meet.
BLEEP BORP ( I'm certain this is droid for shut up Luke)
I would love to have the above images framed picture on my wall. I will openly admit that I stared at the first image of Darth Vader for a couple of minutes. Don't judge me.
The Story:
From this point forward there will be major spoilers to the story so if you have not read this comic and intend on doing so, feel free to skip to the Critique and Observation section.
The story unfolds with Luke, Leiah, and Wedge Antilles searching the borders of the universe to uncover a new base for the Rebel forces. They arrive in the Dominus sector and as soon as they fall out of light speed they are attacked by a large imperial force suited with Tie interceptors going in for the kill. With the immediacy of the attack it is obvious the Imperial forces were waiting on them.
With the imperial forces attacking in force, the trio's only hope of escape is to make for the planet's surface. On the way down Leia's X-Wing is hit, and she has to make a crash landing. On the way down, she takes out a Tie fighter which also crashes on the surface. In an incredibly sexy frame Leia (on foot) takes out the Tie Interceptor's fighter with her blaster. After a quick repair to Leah's X-Wing, Luke, Wedge, and Leia successfully escape the Empire's attack.
Han and Chewbacca make a very quick appearance which shows Han's ongoing struggle with his smuggler roots. Han is currently running supplies for the Rebel forces, but the temptation to return to his old ways keeps him thinking about potential profit without having to answer to a higher authority. Since joining the Rebel Alliance, Han has earned himself warrants on pretty much every imperial colony that has the kind of trouble he likes to get himself into (black markets, good pazaat tables, etc.). Sadly, there is not much more from Han and Chewie at this point in the story, but I am sure he will play a bigger part as the story unfolds.
Han and Chewie being Han and Chewie.
Upon returning to the Rebel command ship the Redemption, Leia and Mon Mothma discuss their next steps. Both Leia and Mon Mothma agree the events that unfolded in the Dominus sector were not chance, and Leia is given command of what appears to be her own special strike force to either eliminate the spy or find a world where the Rebels can call home. She is entrusted with her own personal droid..C3PO who has undergone some major software upgrades to ensure whatever information Leia uncovers is secure.
Darth Vader also makes his appearance in #1 as his command of his personal destroyer is stripped from him due to his failures at Yavin. The dialogue between Vader and the Emperor is amazing, and gives the reader a true sense of how the Sith work; titles are meaningless and rewards are for those who succeed.
Critique and Observations
As a huge fan of Han and Chewie, I would have loved to see more direction for their place in this series. The introduction left a lot of questions in how their roles will intertwine with the primary story. I personally hope Han and Chewie join Luke, Leia, and Wedge in finding a new world to call home. However, with what has been introduced so far, I trust the writers to forge an amazing story worthy of the Star Wars name.
There were times where some of the art work felt a little bland to the point where the characters almost blended into the background. Thankfully, this did not happen often, and the art work is probably my favorite part about this comic series.
Any fan of the Star Wars movies will thoroughly enjoy this story. It brings new light to what events unfolded between episodes 4 and 5, and the story is told from a very unique perspective which is what the Star Wars universe has been needing for a very long time.
The Breakdown
Artwork: 4 out of 5
Story: 4 out of 5
Cover Art: 5 out of 5
Cost: $2.99
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